Jean Dufy Dancing
מק"ט: 41000-238
oil on canvas
46 x 65 cm (18 x 25 in.)
signed lower right
Provenance: Collection of Jean Falliטs, acquired before 1962.
By descent to the current owners.
OEuvre en rapport:
- Dancing, vers 1952-1955. Aquarelle gouachיe. Ref.
J560, dיcrit et reproduit in Jacques Bailly: Catalogue raisonnי, volume I.
Cette oeuvre sera rיpertoriיe dans le catalogue raisonnי en prיparation.
Un certificat de Monsieur Jacques Bailly sera remis א l'acquיreur
Literature: Related work: Dancing, circa 1952-1955. Watercolor gouache. Ref. J560, described and reproduced in Jacques Bailly: Catalog raisonnי, volume I.