Keith Haring (1958-1990)
American artist Keith Haring born on 1958 and was best known for his graffiti-inspired drawings, which he first made in subway stations and later exhibited in museums.
Keith Haring joined a long but sporadic lineage of 20th-century artists who brought elements of popular culture, "low art" and non-art elements into the formerly exclusive "high art" spaces of museums and galleries. He drew on the techniques and locales of street-based art such as graffiti and murals, employed bright and artificial colors, and kept imagery accessible in order to grab the eyes and minds of viewers and get them both to enjoy themselves and to engage with important concerns. Along with his artist contemporaries Jean-Michel Basquiat and Kenny Scharf, Haring opened the field of possibility for how seemingly simple and even cartoons elements by self-taught or less-schooled artists might be appreciated.